Annular BOP

Annular BOP

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Annular BOP

Annular BOP

RONGSHENG is the world's leading manufacturer of land annular BOP in production and sales and a class A supplier of CNPC drilling and workover BOPs. We can design to fit your desired drilling applications.    

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What is the Annular BOP?

Designed for safe, good pressure control during drilling and workover operations, the Annular BOP is a large valve designed to seal, control, and monitor oil and gas wells. The valve rotates during drilling to maintain a seal around the drill pipe. The Annular BOP helps to maintain a good seal on the oil to prevent catastrophic blowouts. The Annular BOP consists of a valve body, upper housing, sealing elements, dust ring, and piston. These blowout preventers have a resilient seal, a type of valve similar to a large rubber ring, which can be mechanically squeezed inwards to seal the drill column, casing, bare borehole, or pipe. It provides a robust, reliable blowout preventer, is easy to maintain, and is widely used offshore (subsea and surface) and onshore. The ring blowout preventer is compact and can seal any size of square drill pipe, drill stem, tool joint, drill collar, casing, or cable. The sphere also provides positive pressure control for pulling the drill pipe out of the hole.

The HRSB takes the Drilling Orb Preventer (BOP) and customizes it to suit your continuous tubing operation.

How does an Annular BOP works?

An annular BOP operates differently from a ram blowout preventer.

It seals the annular space between the tubing, casing, and drill pipe. It also helps to maintain the seal when the casing, tubing, or drill pipe leaves the borehole. Unlike the RAM blowout preventer, the Annular BOP can seal a wide range of pipe sizes. It seals the well and prevents the uncontrolled escape of oil. It also prevents unwanted material from building up and exploding in the system while drilling. This ensures the safety of workers on the drilling site.


Large rubber core storage capacity, high switching pressure sealing capability, and low frictional resistance.

With a hemispherical head, there is no stress concentration when bearing pressure; the casing is evenly stressed and easy to dismantle and install.

The long-life sealing element provides a reliable seal after hundreds of full working pressure tests.

Robust, simple construction - only five main components simplify maintenance

Seal element design provides a long peel life.


Annular BOP of RongshengHRSB Annular BOP

If you have a drilling project, consider buying an Annular BOP from HRSB. We offer high-quality products and services to ensure worker safety. Please send us your inquiry together with a detailed item description or model number. If no packaging is required, we include it as our regular export standard packaging. We will provide you with an order to fill. We will then recommend the most suitable model for you based on the information you provide. We can offer you a truly high-quality product at a competitive price.

Contact us to find out how the Annular BOP and other types of Blowout Preventer (BOP) operate!

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